Building Literacy & True Identity (Blog)

Author Denise M. Walker

1. I have to admit that I am hurting.

2. If I am not saved, I must surrender my life to Christ.

3. I must release others to Christ and forgive them (He helps us with this.)

4. I must no longer identify myself as a victim but as an overcomer and victorious in Christ.

5. I must read and speak God's word only about myself and my situation or circumstances.

6. I must obey God's Word.

7. I have to allow Him to show me my purpose.

8. I must walk in God's purpose for my life and know that I am a gift to the world.

How Can I Walk in my True Identity?

My True Identity is the theme of my first youth novel for teen girls, Hannah's Hope, and for those books that will follow.

I desire to assist teen girls, teen boys, women and others in walking in their true identity. This identity is not of this world but is only found in Christ.
For many years, I walked in a false identity because I did not know who I was in Christ.

Sadly, many today are experiencing the same thing. Many of us like Hannah have been through abuse, rejection, low self-esteem, and much more. However, some have never come to HOPE, true hope.

This Hope is not what others can give us. This hope won't leave us when we disappoint or make the wrong choices. This hope will be there in the midnight hour when we are weeping and feel like giving up. This hope will love us through it and deliver us from it. This hope is in Christ
and Christ alone. He is our only hope. In Him, we are healed and find our true identity.
Scripture: Genesis 1:27

"So God man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them created." 
Being made in God's image is significant! When we come to grips with this reality, we come to understand the nothing can change that view because it originated with our creator. The scriptures describe God in the most beautiful way. Therefore, how can we be trash or throwaways? 

We take on these false images based on the trauma that occurred in our past. If someone spoke negative words about us, we accepted those words as truth.  If we were abused or rejected by someone close to us, we took on the image of a reject.

Christ wants us to lay aside those false images, come to Him and allow Him to heal us everywhere it hurts. He wants us to forgive and stop seeing Him as the individuals that hurt us. He wants us to understand that hurt people hurt other people, so we must pray and forgive for them also to walk in His truth.

Healing starts with admitting that it happened and then allowing God to show you the truth as you walk in close relationship with Him in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Click below to listen to the Building Literacy
& True Identity Podcast
